Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Class Dojo & Seesaw

Class Dojo and Seesaw are apps that we use in our class, Kānuka (Room 9). Class Dojo is used as a behavioural management tool. I give out points for children demonstrating the school values, on task, working quietly etc. Children also loose points for calling out, not on task etc. Over the last few weeks, 76% of parents in the class have now joined the class and are able to log in to see how their child is doing in class each day. We have also started our class blog. We put up at least one blog per week. Often I will write something up for the class but we have also done a few posts together in class. I'm really happy with the amount of parents that have got on board with Class Dojo. I use the messenger to contact parents and send out reminders. The parent's feedback has been really positive and they love being able to use one app to see progress, what we are doing and being able to contact me, all from the same place.

Seesaw is an opportunity for children to share their learning with their parents. Each child has their own blog/learning journal within our class, Kanuka. Children are able to take a photo of the their writing and record themselves reading their story. They can write over a photo to explain what they are doing. We have two short spaces each day in our timetable for a different three children to share something with their parents. Every new item that children upload gets sent to me to be approved before being sent to their parents.

These ICT apps provide opportunities for children to engage, practise and apply new learning in a different context. It also enables children to revise what they have been learning about and feel a sense of pride in their work. I have found the the quality of work is to a high standard and that the children are motivated to do tasks knowing that they get to share their learning.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Room 9 - Classroom Setup!

Over the school holidays I set up my very first Year 3 classroom. I looked at different ways I could set up the learning space to help children be motivated and engaged towards their learning. With the intention of not covering up too many walls so that we can display lots of the children's work, I feel I have made a learning space where children will feel safe, happy and excited to be in the classroom. Bright colours are used, opportunities to use ICT devices to enhance the learning, Daily 5 activities, Maori language, and mainly having organised the classroom in a way that lets children move around and be able to access everything easily. Children desk's are in four groups (Whero, Kowhai, Kahurangi, Kakariki) to give children an opportunity to cooperate together, work collaboratively and build positive relationships with their peers. Going forward I plan to put wire string lines up in the classroom to allow more opportunity to display the children's work. I'm very excited for 2016 and seeing the children in the classroom be just as eager and motivated to learn as what I am.