Thursday, September 10, 2015

The bandage approach to fixing our sentences!

Last week our food of the week was cauliflower. We generated ideas for writing by learning how to plant cauliflower seeds. The children were really excited to write about their experiences from participating in this activity. I believe a lot of children loose interest in their writing after they have written all their points down. I wanted to create an engaging hot spot activity to get the children excited about editing their work. I had created four sentences about planting cauliflower seeds with many errors in each sentence. I asked children to put up their hands if they could see an error. They then came up and "fixed" apart of the sentence by placing a bandage over the error. I had prepared all the bandages to keep the hot spot activity short. I feel this was an appropriate learning activity to excite the children about editing their work. Children felt positive about going away to fix their own writing. This activity was really engaging and all children were excited to put their hands up to tell me an error. Children were able to take responsibility for their work as this activity set them up to succeed in editing their writing. A lot of children still found it difficult when correcting spelling errors. Overall I feel it was a great activity and will use it again during my planning for writing.


  1. What an interesting way to proof read stories. I'm looking forward to seeing the results from using an approach like this. :)

  2. What a novel way to hook in (motivate) your students. They thrive on being able to catch the teacher out. I loved seeing this work on the wall for students to access, to re-read and use as a model or reminder. How are you going to build on this? Will it become a weekly hotspot activity that the class looks forward too? We can chat further around this in our writing meeting next week and also around any thoughts on spelling that you touched on in your post. I think an "aha moment" was around the being prepared with your resources this always helps things run smoothly and is a good role modelling for your class in that they need to be prepared with their equipment for learning just like you get prepared for teaching.. Your enthusiasm is infectious Amber, well done

    1. Hi Glenys. Yes will be a weekly hotpot activity that I will get the children to participate and contritbute towards. Definitely looking forward to getting more of their work up over the holidays and into the term! Thanks for all your support around writing!
